Works by Hamilton, David R. (exact spelling)

  1.  14
    How your mind can heal your body.David R. Hamilton - 2008 - London: Hay House.
    An authoritative and accessible book by a qualified scientist, showing incredible proof of the mind-body connection. There is no longer any doubt that the way we think affects our bodies: countless scientific studies have shown this to be true. For former pharmaceutical scientist Dr David Hamilton, the testing of new drugs highlighted how profoundly the mind and body are connected. Time and time again, the control group of patients in drug trials improved at similar rates to those who actually received (...)
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  2.  2
    It's the thought that counts: why mind over matter really works.David R. Hamilton - 2009 - Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House.
    The idea that form follows thought and feeling is not a new one to mystics, but quantum physicists have now shown this to be a scientifically proven reality. A massive shift in people's understanding is occurring to take the implications of this on board and integrate it into our lives. This book assembles the research from mainstream scientists and writers such as Gregg Braden and David Hawkins to create a convincing and inspiring case for the power of compassion and kindness (...)
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